Wood Burning Stove Glass Cleaning Tips

Timg src="/images/photos/photo5.jpg" border="0" class="image right" alt="wood burning stove" title="wood burning stove" />There are a number of methods to cleaning a wood burning stove's glass front.  This article aims to give you a step-by-step guide to maintaining your glass properly.

To keep your stove in good working order make sure you are using your stove's air wash system correctly and always use the manufacturers recommend fuel to reduce the frequency in which you will need to clean your stove.

Step One
Allow your wood burning stove to cool before you start working on it, and wear protective gloves to stop any irritation or burns to your skin.

Step Two
To avoid damage to printed glass, as soot can cause corrosion, remove any dust and loose soot with a moist cloth and buff dry.

We would suggest using a less aggressive cleaning agent such as the Stovax Glass Cleaner spray for printed glass. 

However, for plain glass which is heavily stained, we would advise using Stovax's Gel Cleaner or Stove Glass Cleaner Wipe-on.  Do not use this gel on printed glass as it is slightly abrasive.

Step Three
Apply a little of your cleaner to a soft cloth and rub it over the surface of the glass.

Ensure you apply the cleaning fluid carefully and not excessively as it must not come in contact with the rope seal around the edge of the glass.

If the rope seal does absorb excessive cleaning fluid, it is advisable to replace the rope as soon as possible to preserve the printed finish of the glass.

Our cleaning advice here is based on using the Stovax range of products, if you choose to use a different product please check their directions for use.

The Chimney Sweeper